Before you go any further, please remeber a few important things when using this page. It is important that all visitors, users, contributers, etc. comply with the points outlined below. This will ensure that the original idea with this pages is respected. Misuse may ultimately result in closing the page.
Only for private use.
Many of the songs you can find on this page are protected by copyright. This means that you ale not allowed to perform, print or in other way reproduce the song in public (services, open meatings, concerts, songbooks, etc.). In other words - the songs on this page is only for private use.
We respect authors/composer who does not want their songs listed on this page. So: If you are an author or a composer and see one of your songs here and you want it removed - then send a mail to and we will remove it as soon as possible.
Credit where credit is due
We want to acknowledge all authors and composer of the songs on this page. We encourage all uses of the page to help with information for the songs, to make information as correct and complete as possible.
When you have read and agree to the above mentioned, please come in!